Clarinet ASN1 BER-Encoder Tool for QSIG-GFT

The Clarinet QSIG-GFT User program allows to simulate a QSIG Transit Network.

Functions of the program

The Clarinet BER-Encoder Tool is capable of encoding ASN1 fields according to Basic Encoding Rules, as well as  include the resulting string as a content of the FACILITY Information Element of ISDN or QSIG protocol .

When using the GFT user-program, the encoder is used to encode the Data of each of the messages used by the GFT user-program.

  • GF Setup-Request
  • GF Data-Request
  • GF Release-Request
  • GF UnitData-Request
Each of the QSIG-GFT request will be sent by including one Facility IE in the corresponding messages. 

The Content of the Facility IE consists of two ASN1 fields:

  • the header  for Network Facility Extensions
  • the ROSE field corresponding to the ASN1 sting edited with the BER encoder.

The header is automatically added by the Clarinet QSIG-GFT Emulator.


Importing a template of QSIG-GFT ASN1 facility

The Clarinet Run-time package includes factory-designed templates for QSIG Supplementary services. The files (extension.acb) are accessible by  'File/Import' command and located in the QSIG subtree of  Templates.

The BER-Encoder program is provided as an additional Clarinet tool delivered in the Clarinet Run-time Package. It supports the following functions:

  • file management: saving, importing templates.
  • line edition of  ASN1 facilities applied to ISDN, QSIG protocols.
  • generation of Hexadecimal ASN1 strings.

Creating the ASN1 Data fields of the QSIG-GFT messages

The Clarinet BER-encoder tool can be initialized by an import of  ASN1 Templates. 
A set of templates corresponding to QSIG-GFT services is provided in the QSIG template directory.

The ASN1 content of the template can be modified by using the ASN1 tools

At the end of the edition the new ASN1 content has to be saved to a new acb file located in the current directory. 

The name is the one refered in the QSIG-GFT user program 

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Last modification: 27/02/04